Financial Support
The research activities are/were supported by both national (Wallonia Region and Belgian National Science Foundation, FNRS) and international funds (vice- and cocoordinator of two European MC-ITN networks, principle investigator of an EU-FP7 NMP collaborative project, and holder of an ERC starting grant).

Materials for Energy Conversion & Storage

Irreversible organic electrochromic inks for tamperproof/quality control labels Principal Scientist: Dr. Laura Maggini

High-security irreversible electrochromic tickets prototype development Principal Scientist: Dr. Laura Maggini
2020-MSCA-ITN-2018: Entrepreneuring CHemicAl irreversibility to prototype ResponsIve SMart lAbels (CHARISMA)
Coordinator: Prof. Davide Bonifazi
H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020: Tailored Materials for Sustainable Technologies: Programming Functional Molecular Components Through Boron-Nitrogen Doping (StiBnite)
Coordinator: Prof. Davide Bonifazi
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020: Polymer engineering via molecular design: embedding electrical and optical properties into VITrimers (VIT)
Coordinator: Prof. Roberta Pinalli