The “IrrevoChrom” project is one out of total eleven recently granted FFG spin-off fellowships that will be led by FFG fellow Laura Maggini and host Davide Bonifazi at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Vienna.
The FFG-funded IrrevoChrom Spin-off Fellowship will build on the patent developed in the Bonifazi group (EP application No EP22164076.6) within the framework of the Charisma Marie-Sklodowska Curie project they are coordinating, entailing the formulation of an irreversible EC matrix composed of both the chromogenic material, an anti-oxidant and electrolyte, to develop and scale-up a commercially viable and completely irreversible electrochromic ink compatible with industrial manufacturing processes.
Upon activation, this ink will provide a stark and permanent color transition (colorless to black), impossible to reverse. Thanks to the new formulations developed in this Fellowship, we will match our technology with industrial ECDs productions processes, jump starting its commercial exploitation, and develop in collaboration with Silicon Austria Labs activatable tamperproof demos.